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The Camden Redevelopment Agency and the City of Camden Department of Development and Planning work closely with other city, county and state agencies on an ongoing basis to ensure the best possible coordination of development and service activities. In addition, the following state agencies are particularly important public-sector partners because of the policy leadership, staff support, technical assistance and funding resources that they provide.

Housing Authority of the City of Camden (HACC) Due to the substantial investments in the improvement of public housing residences and facilities that are planned or under way, coordination of CRA and HACC activities will be particularly important in the coming years. One high-priority area of activity is public investment in and around HOPE VI-funded ventures that involve the demolition of obsolete public housing complexes and the development of mixed-income communities combining newly developed public housing with other rental and sales housing units and neighborhood amenities. (more information go to

Camden County Improvement Authority (CCIA) The Camden County Improvement Authority (CCIA) enables business to access the capital needed to invest and expand in Camden County. As an independent government agency with broad powers to strengthen the region's economic base, the CCIA offers unique services to facilitate public and private development and redevelopment, assist employers, and help local government reduce the cost of capital financing. The CRA and Development and Planning will strengthen our existing relationship with the CCIA by collaborating on strategic projects that have regional benefits. (more information available at

City of Camden Business Growth & Development Team (BGDT) The BGDT is developed in the context of a long-range vision for the City of Camden where the tax ratable base of the City is sufficient to provide quality public services for residents and businesses located there. Further, Camden can be a regional employment center by taking advantage of the waterfront, downtown, the port, commercial districts and neighborhood industrial areas for job creation and opportunities. This vision is interrelated and synergistic because maintaining a substantial base of jobs in the City will increase the number of employees who live in the City and pay taxes. (Click here for more information)

Cooper’s Ferry Partnership Cooper's Ferry Partnership is facilitating the revival of the City of Camden creating an environment where people choose to live, work, and invest. We develop visionary, long-range plans for the redevelopment of Camden’s waterfronts and work with private sector, government and community partners to make these plans a reality. (more information available at

Parking Authority of the City of Camden The Parking Authority of the City of Camden (PACC), as a public body, works with the Mayor and members of the City Council for the continuing improvement of parking conditions within the City of Camden. The Authority is involved in the construction, provision and operation of off-street parking facilities, the promotion of traffic improvement, and any other legal parking related activity as well as the management and operation of on-street parking meters and parking enforcement. Recently, the Authority has been offering its parking services to a variety of private and public sector anchors in the City of Camden and assisting in the identification, operations, and maintenance of several facilities throughout the city. (more information available at

New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (NJDCA) DCA assists New Jersey businesses, government agencies and citizens through a variety of information and support resources. DCA's key activities include providing funding for affordable housing development, supporting planning and development activities in New Jersey's cities and older suburbs, and advocating for smart growth policies and legislation. (more information available at

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Created in 1970 as the state's consolidated agency for environmental protection and conservation, NJDEP priorities include pollution prevention and the development of innovative environmental management strategies, including programs for brownfields improvement and development. NJDEP works in partnership with the general public, business, environmental community and all levels of government to integrate high environmental quality, public health and economic vitality.(more information available at

New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) It is the stated mission of the NJDOT to provide reliable, environmentally and socially responsible transportation and motor vehicle networks and services to support and improve the safety and mobility of people and goods in New Jersey. Through a variety of community programs and processes, including Workforce and Community Transportation, Transit Village Initiative, Local Aid and Economic Development, and Context Sensitive Design, NJDOT works with regional and local governments to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the state's transportation system. (more information available at

New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) NJEDA provides financing, real estate development services and technical support to assist businesses of all sizes and types, from sole entrepreneurs to world-wide corporations representing the old and new economies. Since 1974, NJEDA has assisted more than 7,500 manufacturers, distributors, service providers, retailers, high-tech businesses and not-for-profit groups. (more information available at

New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) The mission of HMFA is to provide affordable housing by increasing the supply of safe, decent and affordable multifamily rental housing and promoting the construction and rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing. To fulfill this mission, HMFA works with government and the private sector to assist in urban revitalization and to develop innovative and flexible financing resources, including low-interest mortgages financed by the sale of bonds, as well as funding available through federal and state grants and demonstration programs. (more information available at

‘Not for Profit’ Partners

(856) 968-9506

Boys & Girls Club

Camcare Health Corporation

Camden Board of Education

Camden Lutheran Housing Corporation

Cathedral Kitchen, Inc.

Cramer Hill Community Development Corporation
(856) 964-2465

Fairview Main Street
(856) 966-4003

Habitat for Humanity

Heart of Camden, Inc.

Neighborhood Housing Services

Parkside Business & Community in Partnership

Saint Joseph's Carpenter's Society

Save Our Waterfront
(856) 966-3360